Saturday, December 26, 2009

Everyday || Real

Today I set out to connect with what I am actually thinking. What I actually love. Where my passion has been hiding. I think it hides behind the camera lens. It is experienced through the view finder, and captured in an image. However, the "impossibility" of photography as a career--in my life--has forced me to shove the love down. Today I sat out to discover if it is still hiding there--and I figured that if I could find it in photographing the ordinary, then it must still exist. 

The passion is not intense yet, but the love is still there. Maybe fear is what keeps it hidden. I will try to conquer it. One photo at a time.

So, I think I can say that there is some hope--and just maybe I'll find a way to work photography into my work. I'll let God lead. 

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